Thursday, April 8, 2010

Photography for Sneak A' Roos

I did some trade work with a lady who lives here in Lehi. She owns Sneak A' Roos, a darling kids' boutique, mostly featuring shoes. I took new stock photos of her shoes and some creative shots for her to use on her web site and to print banners for her boutiques and shows she goes to. I thought they turned out pretty darn good for someone who barely knows how to use a camera, no? I will have more photos of fun shots coming, so stay tuned!

The above photo is her current stock photo from her web site. 
The one below is what I did with the same pair of shoes. (I know, right?)

Another stock photo of some of her soft-sole shoes.

And now presenting, my delicious children in the darling shoes she has for sale.
 I did my best to not show their faces, because, really, nobody cares how cute the kids are. It's the shoes she's selling, not my children.

This last one is  by far my favorite shot of the day. SO precious! I hope she uses this one.