When I bought Ed's bumper pad from The Land of Nod, I loved it! It said "gender neutral" right on it, but I really thought it was very boy-ish.
Quite often, we'll see Ed asleep in his crib with his face burrowed into the bumper pad. He loves cuddling into things, and his bumper pad was almost a canvas material - ouch!
So, with some minky and Moda Dottie fabric, I went to town and within a couple of days, I finished it. It's not perfect (okay, so it isn't even worthy to be on here because I did such a shoddy job), but I thought I'd explain how I did this in case anyone wanted to recover a bumper pad for their little one. Or better yet, learn from my mistakes and do a better job. Leave me a comment and tell me how you have done yours in the past, please!
I'm recovering one for new baby boy soon, too. I've learned my mistakes, new lessons, and how to improve. I'll post pictures of that one when I get it done.
I started out by cutting strips of fabric and sewing them together.

Next, I folded the fabric under, pinned it to the existing bumper pad, and sewed it right next to the roll/edging.

The finished product (not in the crib because Ed is sleeping right now).

And one of the many mistakes I made. I didn't realize I was sewing the tie-down strap into the bumper pad until it was too late (from sewing the other side, not this one. I'm not that stupid). I wish I could say this only happened once. Nope. Three times. I know, right?

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